American Bar Association slams US administration's apparent questioning of court legitimacy

Ranking officials called for the impeachment of a judge who disagreed with the government

Many lawyers returning from maternity leave don't want a slow comeback, UK survey finds

Lawyer-centered coaching network BlueSky found that most mothers wanted to get back up to speed ASAP

Lucky seven land new roles at MinterEllisonRuddWatts for the new year

Two made partner, while five were promoted to senior associates

Seeing his car 'upside down in a ditch' drove home to Ramses Hunt the importance of a good policy

The Wotton Kearney associate also talks navigating a new start in the midst of lockdown

Justice minister announces Ruth Money's appointment as new chief victims advisor

The government aims to reduce the number of victims of violent crime by 20,000 by 2029

Court of Appeal confirms split shifts can count as separate work periods

The case focused on how rest and meal breaks should be calculated for bus drivers on split shifts

Government overhauls investor visa to attract more capital

The new framework, effective April 1, aims to reverse the foreign investment decline

International Bar Association opposes Trump sanctions against International Criminal Court

The US president signed an executive order authorizing these sanctions last week


The Wotton Kearney associate also talks navigating a new start in the midst of lockdown

Especially in his field of law, junior lawyers need access to engaging work, he says

The Duncan Cotterill partner believes expression and personal style are important in the profession

The Duncan Cotterill partner also talks about harnessing the potential of new tech


Final week of Dealmakers of the Year nominations

Don't forget to submit nominations for exceptional dealmakers in Australia and New Zealand

Defining success in the TMT legal field – with Anchali Anandanayagam of Hudson Gavin Martin

Uncover critical insights into the landscape of TMT law and the key role that technology plays in the field

What are the best ways to combat employee exhaustion?

Why unlimited time off is a 'giant pain in the neck'

Are leaders lacking in empathy?

'Alarming. That is the word for this year's data'