Over 700 legal professionals attended the New Zealand Law Awards at The Cordis, Auckland yesterday to see 28 awards presented to the best firms, in-house teams and deals of the year.
The evening was hosted by radio broadcaster Leah Panapa and included entertainment from musicians Mark Cunningham and Annie Crummer.
A full list of last night’s award winners are below:
Regional/Suburban Law Firm of the Year
Winner: BlackmanSpargo Rural Law Ltd
Automio Boutique Law Firm of the Year
Webb Henderson
Crowe Horwath Mid-size Law Firm of the Year
Anderson Lloyd
Highly Commended:
Lane Neave
Large Law Firm of the Year
Russell McVeagh
Employment Law Specialist Law Firm of the Year
Dundas Street
Crowe Horwath Litigation & Dispute Resolution Specialist Law Firm of the Year
Wilson Harle
Intellectual Property Specialist Law Firm of the Year
AJ Park
Property & Construction Specialist Law Firm of the Year
Thompson Blackie Biddles
Highly Commended: AlexanderDorrington
AIG Insurance Specialist Law Firm of the Year
Winner: Wotton + Kearney (formerly
DAC Beachcroft New Zealand)
Legal Personnel Employer of Choice (1-50 Lawyers)
Winner: Webb Henderson
Legal Personnel Employer of Choice (51-100 Lawyers)
Wynn Williams
Legal Personnel Employer of Choice (>100 Lawyers)
Winner: Russell McVeagh
Resolution Institute Mediator of the Year
Winner: Timothy McMichael
Artemis Executive Recruitment Young Private Practice Lawyer of the Year (35 or under)
Winner: Jeremy Johnson ,Wynn Williams
Anthony Harper Young In-house Lawyer of the Year (35 or under)
Winner: Patrick Gamble, Complectus Group
Highly Commended: Jemma Stevenson, Powerco
Financial Services In-house team of the Year
Kiwibank Financial Services In-House Team
Russell McVeagh In-house Team of the Year
Fonterra Co-operative Group Ltd
MinterEllisonRuddWatts In-house Lawyer of the Year
Winner: Sasha Daniels, Spark New Zealand
NZ Lawyer Deal Team of the Year (≤100 Lawyers)
Winner: Anderson Lloyd Infrastructure Team
Highly Commended: Mayne Wetherell Corporate Team
NZ Lawyer Deal Team of the Year (>100 Lawyers)
Winner: Russell McVeagh - Corporate Team
Highly Commended:
Bell Gully - Corporate team
MYOB M&A Deal of the Year
Winner: Allnex acquisition of Nuplex Industries
Capital Markets Deal of the Year
Winner: Synlait Milk’s capital raising and dual listing
Mid-Market Deal of the Year
Winner: Patties Foods acquisition of Leader Foods
Consumer, Media and Tech Deal of the Year
Winner: NBC Universal-MediaWorks for Bravo channel launch
International Deal of the Year
Winner: Silver Fern Farms share sale
Rembrandt New Zealand Deal of the Year
Winner: Allnex acquisition of Nuplex Industries
Crowe Horwath Managing Partner of the Year (≤100 Lawyers)
Winner: Jared Ormsby, Wynn Williams
Crowe Horwath Managing Partner of the Year (>100 Lawyers)
Peter Chemis,
Buddle Findlay