NZ government launches measures to safeguard native biodiversity

New initiative is a "priority" for the government

NZ government launches measures to safeguard native biodiversity

To counter the decline of native wildlife and endangered habitats caused by human activities, the government has unveiled a comprehensive package of measures, as announced by associate minister for the environment James Shaw.

“Aotearoa is home to natural taonga found nowhere else on earth,” said Shaw. “While some native species’ populations are improving, many are in decline. Reversing this decline and making sure our native plants and animals are healthy and resilient is a priority for our government.”

“Sixty three percent of our native ecosystems are now threatened, and a third of our native species are threatened or at risk of extinction,” he said.

“It’s time we find new ways to incentivise conservation, protect our precious wildlife, and provide clearer guidance on how to identify, manage and protect biodiversity.”

The package comprises several key initiatives, including a public consultation on a biodiversity credit system aimed at financing long-term conservation efforts.

What is the biodiversity credit system?

This system offers financial incentives to manage land in a manner that benefits both local communities and wildlife, encompassing public and private lands, including the culturally significant "whenua Māori".

“Landowners, land managers, farmers, and Maōri should be looking at their wild spaces as a taonga, but also as a valuable source of supplementary income,” said Shaw. “This can then be used to support on-the-ground conservation, like reforestation, wetland restoration, or planting native vegetation.”

The discussion document for the biodiversity credit system was released in early June, inviting public input on its setup and the Government's role in its implementation. The consultation will remain open until November 3rd.

“It’s time we make it simpler and more cost-effective for landowners and tangata whenua to support conservation on their land,” he said. “Threats to our native species include habitat loss, exotic pests, splintered conservation protection efforts, and a changing climate.”

“We know biodiversity credit systems are being developed overseas, but it’s important we find a path that is right for Aotearoa New Zealand.”

“I encourage people to submit their thoughts through the discussion document process, on the potential for a biodiversity credit system in Aotearoa New Zealand, and their whakaaro on what are the key aspects for ensuring such a system will work for all,” said minister of conservation Willow-Jean Prime.

Another integral component of the package is the National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity. This statement outlines a clear roadmap for identifying, managing, and safeguarding areas of significant biodiversity.

Over the course of several years, from 4 August, all regional councils will be required to develop a regional biodiversity strategy with a focus on native biodiversity and nature preservation, further expanding the initiative beyond just a few councils.

“There’s been a requirement on councils for 30 years to take care of important wildlife habitats, but it’s had no definition and no support. We are changing that,” said Shaw. “Existing activities, such as grazing, can continue provided their effects remain at the same level and don’t increase the loss of native plants or animals in a significant natural area.”

“We are also mindful that Māori land is home to a significant amount of indigenous vegetation, so we have created a tailored approach. This will prevent Māori land from being excessively affected by the NPSIB and will allow Māori to meet their aspirations for the use of their land and care for the environment,” he said.

“The government is also co-funding a series of pilot projects to help improve regional coordination of conservation efforts, develop online information tools, as well as the use of new technologies like drones to aid seed dispersal. With the right resources, expertise, and coordination, we know biodiversity projects succeed. When communities, landowners, Māori, government agencies, and businesses band together, the results are astounding,” said Shaw.

“We’ve taken kiwi, kaka, tuatara and many other species from the brink of extinction through our efforts. I’m confident we can do far more through this work. When we act, nature responds.”

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