Lawyers Applaud AI Tool for Enhanced Research Capabilities

Lawyers worldwide have had the chance to trial the next generation of AI research tools

Lawyers Applaud AI Tool for Enhanced Research Capabilities

Lawyers across New Zealand, Australia and Singapore have been given an exclusive look at the next generation of legal AI tools, powered by LexisNexis - and the results are already game-changing.

Lexis+ is quickly making its mark as the definitive research tool for the legal industry, with lawyers stating that it has already saved them hours in research time per day*. With its simple interface and powerful search capabilities, Lexis+ is able to find those gems of information among tens of thousands of pages, and it does so quickly and accurately. Its ultimate goal is simple - to allow lawyers to spend less time researching, and more time focusing on their client’s strategy.

One of Lexis+’s early users is Alex Collie, senior associate at Carroll & O’Dea. He says that while the platform no doubt improves efficiency, it’s about much more than just the hours saved.

“The mark of a good product is not necessarily that it saves time, but rather that it improves results,” Collie says.

“The focus and clarity that Lexis+ provides allows me the space to look at things differently and go a bit deeper. With Lexis+, I uncover things that I might otherwise have missed.”

Lane Neave Lawyers law clerk George Brougham is already familiar with the LexisNexis suite of products, having used Lexis Advance frequently throughout his law studies. He notes that Lexis+’s Leading Cases feature has been particularly useful in his research, and has allowed the process to be a lot quicker and more focused.

“It’s really helped me when I’m not looking for specific cases per se, but just for any relevant material or judicial comment on a particular area of law,” Brougham explains.

“I'd previously run searches for specific key words and see if anything came up, but the ‘leading cases’ function gives much more relevant results.”

The praise for Leading Cases is echoed by another fellow lawyer and beta-tester in a large national firm, who notes that traditionally, finding relevant cases could take an extensive amount of time. Now, tasks that typically took several hours can be completed in under an hour.

“The comprehensive nature of Lexis+ ensures that when I conduct these searches, I cover all necessary bases, thus reducing the need for multiple searches and cross-referencing across different platforms,” the beta-user says.

“This consolidation of resources has saved me between one to two hours daily, which translates to an extra day’s worth of productivity over a week.”

The user adds: “These time savings not only boost my productivity but also allow me to delve deeper into each case or legal issue, enhancing the quality of research and advice I provide. Lexis+ has proven to be an invaluable tool in achieving a more efficient workflow in legal research.”

Natale Ricciardi, practice director at Frichot Lawyers has been a firsthand witness to the evolution of LexisNexis products over the last five years. Ricciardi made an early decision to invest in LexisNexis, and says that this investment has more than paid off.

“LexisNexis obviously listens to customer feedback, and have made their tools far more intuitive and accessible,” Ricciardi says. “I feel our investment has leveled us up against much larger law firms.”

With AI quickly making its way into the toolkit of lawyers worldwide, Lane Neave Lawyers law clerk George Brougham says it’s vital not to be left behind. However, he highlights that the relationship-focused nature of lawyering isn’t going anywhere - in fact, it’s only going to become more important.

“At the end of the day, the legal profession is a very personable one,” Brougham says.

“People like to talk face-to-face if they have concerns or questions, they want to have someone there to reassure them. I think lawyers advising clients will always be a service that’s in demand, and the key difference will be how we gather the information we need.”

“It’s going to be important to work with AI rather than against it, and I think it’s going to be a very effective tool to make jobs more efficient,” Brougham concludes.

Lexis+ is now available in New Zealand! Experience a new era of legal research powered by our revolutionary, advanced Extractive AI. Transform how you manage your time and resources with this innovative platform. Book your Free Demo of our most advanced legal research tool in a decade HERE.

*Results from 152 testers of Lexis+™ in both NZ and UK in 2023/24

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