Great advice and Anne Boleyn for dinner

Five minutes with Baker & McKenzie associate Emma Hunter.

Five minutes with Baker & McKenzie associate Emma Hunter.

What made you decide to become a lawyer?
A mixture of things. My mother's love of the t.v. show Law and Order, my love of debating and a silly childhood conversation where I asked my parents (at the age of 6) which job made the most money - when they told me "corporate lawyer", they were misinformed!

How long have you worked at Baker & McKenzie and what brought you to this position?
I have been with the firm for almost 9 years now. The strong brand, global reach and praised culture of the firm attracted me to apply as a full time paralegal during my final year of law school. I then took up my graduate position.

What’s the strangest case you’ve ever worked on/been involved with?
It doesn't get too weird in financial services law (I had a client once tell me (lovingly) that as a financial services lawyer, I was one step above a tax lawyer on a boring scale - ouch to tax and financial services lawyers).  Probably just some strange people rather than cases.

If you could invite three people for dinner, dead or alive and excluding family and friends, who would they be and why?
Hatshepsut (because she was the first female Egyptian Pharaoh), Anne Boleyn (because she would bring a very different perspective of female royalty) and J. K. Rowling (because… Harry Potter).

You’re based in Sydney – where’s the best place to go for a drink and/or dinner after work?
At the moment, I would say Tapavino for some really great food and wine.

What’s the best piece of advice (work or personal) you’ve ever been given?
Nothing is permanent.

Do you have any hobbies/interests outside of work?
If I said no, I would be confirming my position on that boring scale! Yes, I enjoy travel, wine, reading, running and drawing.

Complete this sentence: If I wasn’t a lawyer, I would be…
An Egyptologist who worked on site at Deir el Bahari.

What do you think will be single biggest issue facing the legal space in Australia in 2016?
I will be biased and say AML/CTF compliance - because it is sadly becoming more and more important, and because criminals are always finding new channels or means of committing these terrible crimes. (Bias because AML/CTF is one of my specialty areas.)

If you had Malcom Turnbull’s job for one day, what would you do?
Call my high school science teacher, who said I had as much political acumen as a tree.

What do you love about your job?
The people I work with.

What would you change about your job right now if you could?
I would change it to that of an Egyptologist who worked on site at Deir el Bahari.

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