Duncan Cotterill : Everything you need to know


Duncan Cotterill news

Duncan Cotterill partner on moonlighting as a student of te reo Māori

Duncan Cotterill partner on moonlighting as a student of te reo Māori

Nick Laing calls the experience of learning about tikanga and te ao Māori "eye-opening"

Duncan Cotterill partner: Practise gratitude for what you have and where you are every day

Duncan Cotterill partner: Practise gratitude for what you have and where you are every day

Nick Laing encourages lawyers to not get stuck on "just chasing a title"

Duncan Cotterill promotes 10 new senior lawyers

Duncan Cotterill promotes 10 new senior lawyers

The new promotions bolster several offerings, including litigation and corporate

Four make partner at Duncan Cotterill

Four make partner at Duncan Cotterill

This takes the number of partners at the firm to 49

Winners of the 2023 NZ Law Awards unveiled

Winners of the 2023 NZ Law Awards unveiled

The stars of the NZ legal profession shone on an unforgettable night