
Aimee Pomogacs on why maternity leave is an accomplishment and a learning curve at once

Aimee Pomogacs on why maternity leave is an accomplishment and a learning curve at once

Grill'd and Koko Black's legal head talks the importance of handing over and letting go

Naomi Pearce talks Trauma to Triumph

Naomi Pearce talks Trauma to Triumph

The TFA Legal founder also shares sobering insights on coercive control

Naomi Pearce on why lawyers and counsellors should work together

Naomi Pearce on why lawyers and counsellors should work together

The TFA Legal founder goes into detail about a groundbreaking case for her

Griffith Hack principal Kerry Dick talks road trips and AI

Griffith Hack principal Kerry Dick talks road trips and AI

She has married her engineering background with IP law in "a perfect combination"

Sam McIvor's focus as Mullins Lawyers managing partner will be on openness and transparency

Sam McIvor's focus as Mullins Lawyers managing partner will be on openness and transparency

He's looking to tackle his duties with vigour while welcoming innovation

Melanie Quixley: 'Ethics and professionalism cannot fall down the list of priorities'

Melanie Quixley: 'Ethics and professionalism cannot fall down the list of priorities'

The Barry Nilsson principal wants to see young people excited about the industries she works in