Trump nude has artist in a legal pickle

An artist interpretation of a nude Donald Trump is causing a stir after the artist received anonymous legal action threats.

Illma Gore’s nude of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump (with a very small... ahem) is hanging in a trendy London alongside a £1m price tag.

The painting, titled ‘Make America Great Again’, has been so popular that it attracted bids over the hefty asking price just a week after it was put on display.

Now the artist is being anonymously threatened with legal action if she sells it, The Guardian reported.

Back in February, an image of the paining went viral after Gore published it on her Facebook page.  But it has since been censored on social media and delisted from eBay after a Digital Millennium Copyright Act notice was filed against the artist.

The painting was rejected from several galleries in the US over security concerns.  Maddox Gallery in London offered to exhibit the paining and hundreds of visitors have since queued to see the work.

“The reaction, especially in the UK, has been incredibly supportive.  Everywhere apart from America has been great,” Gore said.

“Who knew it would be such a big deal? I think an artist’s job is to take the times we’re living in and then set the scene. It is a representation of where we are.”

The artist, who is based in LA, received thousands of death threats so headed to the UK to escape the frenzy.

“It only really got out of hand when Donald Trump referenced it in a debate, which sums up Trump and his ego.  From there, everyone wanted to see this image,” Maddox Gallery director Cordelia de Freitas said.

According to a report by The Guardian, Gore said her work was inspired by comments made by Republican rival Marco Rubio’s comments made about the size of Trump’s hands a rally in Virginia.

“And you know what they say about men with small hands?  You can’t trust them,” Rubio said.

“[Rubio] referred to my hands, if they are small, something else must be small. I guarantee you there is no problem. I guarantee,” Trump responded.

Gore said that she will donate the money she makes from the painting’s sale to an LA homeless shelter.

donald trump nude painting

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