HSF environment, planning and communities group partners with CEIG on report

The Delivering Major Clean Energy Projects report focuses on QLD and VIC-based energy projects

HSF environment, planning and communities group partners with CEIG on report

Herbert Smith Freehills (HSF) has collaborated with the Clean Energy Investor Group (CEIG) on the publication of a report focused on the identification of opportunities to expedite and streamline the planning and approval processes for energy projects in Queensland and Victoria.

“Investment in clean energy projects is urgently needed to achieve net zero targets and the Delivering Major Clean Energy Projects report shows how planning processes can be enhanced to improve outcomes for communities, the environment and clean energy investment”, CEIG CEO Simon Corbell said.

The report, which was released last month, examines the average times needed in processing permit applications for various energy, wind, and solar projects, according to HSF environment, planning and communities partner Heidi Asten. The report also offers both immediate solutions and recommendations to enhance project timelines for renewable energy projects in Queensland and Victoria.

“There is a clear need for planning and development reform to reduce project delays and help speed up the states’ energy transition. We’ve identified several opportunities, including quick wins and longer-term recommendations, that would support this goal and the path to net zero”, Asten stated.

Asten co-led HSF's environment, planning and communities team in delivering the report alongside fellow partner Kathryn Pacey. They received support from senior associates Rachel Foo and Jasmine Wood.

This report is the second collaboration between HSF and CEIG, following the release of their first report published in December 2023.

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