Australian National University news

ACT Bar Council honorary secretary joins FCFCOA bench

ACT Bar Council honorary secretary joins FCFCOA bench

Dr Juliet Behrens is the second person from the ACT Bar to be appointed to the post recently

Attorney-General announces new independent national security legislation monitor

Attorney-General announces new independent national security legislation monitor

Jake Blight is an associate professor on national security law at the Australian National University

ACT Magistrates Court welcomes four new magistrates

ACT Magistrates Court welcomes four new magistrates

The newest state magistrate is a partner at Clayton Utz

ACT Bar president appointed judge of Federal Circuit and Family Court

ACT Bar president appointed judge of Federal Circuit and Family Court

Rebecca Curran will commence on February 6, 2023

Moulis Legal appoints new partner

Moulis Legal appoints new partner

The new partner will also serve as the head of the China business desk